Number of Howard Johnson locations in Canada in 2024

Last updated on October 04, 2024

How many Howard Johnson locations are there in Canada?

There are 18 Howard Johnson locations in Canada as of October 04, 2024. The province and territory with the most number of Howard Johnson locations in Canada is Ontario, with 9 locations, which is about 50% of all Howard Johnson locations in Canada.


How can I download a list of Howard Johnson locations in Canada into Excel?

You can download the complete list of 18 Howard Johnson locations data as an Excel file, along with geo-coded addresses, phone numbers and open hours from our data store.

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Top 5 Provinces and Territories with the most Howard Johnson locations


9 (50%)

A location for every 1,605,222 people, in Ontario with about 50% of the total number of Howard Johnson locations


3 (17%)

A location for every 1,448,667 people, in Alberta with about 17% of the total number of Howard Johnson locations

British Columbia

3 (17%)

A location for every 1,673,333 people, in British Columbia with about 17% of the total number of Howard Johnson locations

Province / Territory Number of locations Population Population per location
Ontario (50%) 14.45M 1.61M
Alberta (17%) 4.35M 1.45M
British Columbia (17%) 5.02M 1.67M
Manitoba (11%) 1.36M 680.00K
New Brunswick (6%) 772.00K 772.00K

There are Howard Johnson locations in 5 provinces and territories in Canada

Provinces and Territories without any Howard Johnson locations

These provinces and territories do not have any Howard Johnson locations

  • Newfoundland and Labrador
  • Yukon
  • Nunavut
  • Northwest Territories
  • Saskatchewan
  • Quebec
  • Prince Edward Island
  • Nova Scotia

There are 8 provinces and territories without Howard Johnson locations in Canada

Cities with the most number of Howard Johnson locations in Canada

City Province / Territory Number of Locations
Niagara Falls Ontario 2
Tillsonburg Ontario 1
Toronto Ontario 1
Gravenhurst Ontario 1
Lindsay Ontario 1
Kingston Ontario 1
Kamloops British Columbia 1
Edson Alberta 1
Thunder Bay Ontario 1
Woodstock Parish New Brunswick 1

Howard Johnson Hotels by Wyndham vs competitors

Number of locations Number of States Number of cities
Howard Johnson Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Choice International Group Hotels 359 (+341 locations than Howard Johnson) 12 (+7 states than Howard Johnson) 212 (+195 cities than Howard Johnson)
Howard Johnson Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Marriott Group Hotels & Resorts 280 (+262 locations than Howard Johnson) 10 (+5 states than Howard Johnson) 98 (+81 cities than Howard Johnson)
Howard Johnson Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Best Western Group Hotels & Resorts 224 (+206 locations than Howard Johnson) 10 (+5 states than Howard Johnson) 169 (+152 cities than Howard Johnson)
Howard Johnson Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Hilton Group Hotels & Resorts 197 (+179 locations than Howard Johnson) 10 (+5 states than Howard Johnson) 94 (+77 cities than Howard Johnson)
Howard Johnson Hotels by Wyndham   vs   Super 8 Hotels by Wyndham 118 (+100 locations than Howard Johnson) 9 (+4 states than Howard Johnson) 108 (+91 cities than Howard Johnson)

If you would like to get a detailed report comparing Howard Johnson with any other company, please contact our sales team

Download the complete database of Howard Johnson Hotels by Wyndham Locations in Canada

You can download the full list of Howard Johnson Hotels by Wyndham locations used for this analysis from our data store. Here is a random sample of 5 records for you to look at the fields and the data that we provide.

Name Street City Province / Territory Zip Code Phone Latitude Longitude Address Country Last Updated Date
Howard Johnson By Wyndham Edson 301 42nd St Edson AB T7E 1A5 1 587-817-2590 53.588525 -116.41224 301 42nd St, Edson, AB, T7E 1A5 Canada 2024-10-04
Howard Johnson By Wyndham Victoria 310 Gorge Road East Victoria BC V8T 2W2 1 250-382-2151 48.442697 -123.378831 310 Gorge Road East, Victoria, BC, V8T 2W2 Canada 2024-10-04
Howard Johnson By Wyndham Portage La Prairie Hwy 1 And Yellowquill Trail Portage La Prairie MB R1N 3C3 1 204-819-4392 49.951929 -98.32407 Hwy 1 And Yellowquill Trail, Portage La Prairie, MB, R1N 3C3 Canada 2024-10-04
Howard Johnson By Wyndham Kingston 686 Princess Street Kingston ON K7L 1E7 1 613-777-0133 44.237793 -76.503678 686 Princess Street, Kingston, ON, K7L 1E7 Canada 2024-10-04
Howard Johnson By Wyndham Fort St. John 8540 Alaska Rd Fort St John BC V1J 5L6 1 250-787-0651 56.228825 -120.820279 8540 Alaska Rd, Fort St John, BC, V1J 5L6 Canada 2024-10-04

* Open hours are not displayed here as it is too big to show on a reasonably sized screen.

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